The University of Oklahoma Biocorrosion


Research Activity



Stevenson, B.S., Suflita, M., Stamps, B., Moore, E.R., Johnson, N., and Lawson, P.A. (2011). Hoeflea anabaenae sp. nov., an epiphytic symbiont that attaches to the heterocysts of a strain of Anabaena. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61, 2439-2444.

Whitehead, T.R., Cotta, M.A., Falsen, E., Moore, E.R., and Lawson, P.A. (2011). Peptostreptococcus russellii sp. nov., isolated from a swine-manure storage pit. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61, 1875-1879.

Caldwell, M.E., Allen, T.D, Lawson, P.A., and Tanner, R.S. 2011.  Tolumonas osonensis sp. nov., isolated from anoxic freshwater sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61, 2659-2663

Salvetti, E., Felis, G.E., Dellaglio, F., Castioni, A., Torriani, S. and Lawson, P.A. (2011) Reclassification of Lactobacillus catenaformis (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Holdeman 1970 and Lactobacillus vitulinus Sharpe et al. 1973 as Eggerthia catenaformis gen. nov. comb. nov. and Kandleria vitulina gen. nov. comb. nov., respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 61, 2520-2524.

Stevenson, B.S, Drilling, H.E., Lawson, P.A., Duncan,  K.E., Parisi, V.A.,and Suflita, J.M. (2011). Microbial Communities in Bulk Fluids and Biofilms of an Oil Facility have Similar Composition but Different Structure. Environ. Microbiol. 13(4), 1078–1090.

Caldwell, M.E., Allen, T.D, Lawson, P.A., and Tanner, R.S. 2011.  Anoxybacter osoensis gen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from anoxic freshwater sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. (Submitted for publication).

Chassard, C., Delmas, E., Robert, C., Lawson, P.A., and Bernalier-Donadille. A. (2011). Ruminococcus champanellii sp. nov.,a cellulose-degrading bacterium from the human gut microbiota. nt J Syst Evol Microbiol, first published on Feb 25, 2011 as doi: doi:10.1099/ijs.0.027375-0

Nurver Ulger-Toprak, Paul A. Lawson, Paula Summanen, Lindsey O'Neal, and Sydney M. Finegold Peptoniphilus duerdenii sp. nov. and Peptoniphilus koenoeneniae sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. November 18, 2011 ijs.0.031997-0; published ahead of print November 18, 2011, doi:10.1099/ijs.0.031997-0.

Lawson, P.A, Allen, T.D Caldwell, M.E., and Tanner, R.S. 2011.  Anaerobes:  A piece in the puzzle for alternative biofuels. Anaerobe, 17, 206-210

Losey, N.A,  Stevenson, B.S., Verbarg, S., Rudd, S. and Lawson, P.A. (2011).  Fontimonas thermophila, gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderately thermophilic bacterium isolated from a freshwater hot spring. International J. Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. (Manuscript in-press).

Marks, C.R., B.S. Stevenson, S. Rudd, and P.A. Lawson. Nitrospira dominated biofilm within a thermal artesian spring: a case for nitrification driven primary production in a geothermal setting. In Review (Geobiology).

Book Chapters:

Lawson, P.A. (2011). Genus Arseniciococcus. In Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Volume 5. Williams and Wilkins. (in-press).

Lawson, P.A. (2011). Genus Atopobium. In Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Vol 5. Williams and Wilkins. (in-press).

Lawson, P.A. (2011). The Genus Aerococcus. In Biodiversity and Taxonomy of the Lactic Acid Bacteria. Eds Woods, B.J.B. Wood and Holzapfel. Wiley-Blakewell. – in press.

Lawson, P.A. (2011). Introduction to the Family Aerococcacea In Biodiversity and Taxonomy of the Lactic Acid Bacteria. Eds Woods, B.J.B. Wood and Holzapfel. Wiley-Blakewell. - in press.

Lawson, P.A. (2011). The Genus Vagococcus. In Biodiversity and Taxonomy of the Lactic Acid Bacteria. Eds Woods, B.J.B. Wood and Holzapfel. Wiley-Blakewell. - in press.


Poster -C.R. Marks, N.A. Losey, S. Rudd, B.S. Stevenson, and P.A. Lawson. Biofilm in an Artesian Spring: a Case for Chemolithoautotrophy. ASM 111th General Meeting. May 21-24, 2011.

Poster -C.R. Marks, N.A. Losey, S. Rudd, B.S. Stevenson, and P.A. Lawson. Biofilm in an Artesian Spring: a Case for Chemolithoautotrophy. (Poster) Inaugural Meeting of Bergey’s International Society of Microbial Systematics. May 22, 2011. Excellence in Scientific Poster Presentations Award.  

Oral -Lawson, P.A. Building upon Microbial Molecular Inventories: Maximizing Species Descriptive Criteria through the Support of Chemotaxonomic Biomarkers. 14th Conference in Genomics and Proteomics of Human Pathogens. "Exploration of Novel Technologies for Biomarker Discovery and Point-of Care Diagnostics’ 23-24th June 2011. Health Protection Agency. Microbiology Services, Colindale


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